Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yellow Green ...

I can tell by the yellow green mucus that I am nearly over this hellish cold.
Was that tmi? If it was I apologize.

Yesterday was my English final - that was fine.
It was also graduation. I sat on the green grass, the sky was clouded over and I was calculating the probability of it raining the entire time.

It was exciting to watch all my senior friends graduate and extra special when my Calculus teacher went up and spoke (he was voted as the staff speaker this year).
Although I've talked to him countless times about his stroke before and how he had overcome it, it was another thing, watching him in front of all those people explaining what was probably one of the darkest times in his life.

It gave me hope and courage to do the same in the near future. So one of these days I will explain one of my darkest moments right here on this blog.

Well all that aside, I am done with my JUNIOR YEAR! It was long and hard and near the end I was beginning to wonder if I would make it but I did. Looking back on it now I don't know why I found the last stretch so long, since it literally feels like it went by in a second (and yes I do realize how cliche that sounds lol).

I know I said in my last blog that I would write a reflection blog but I think there is just too much text in this one so I will do it in my next one.


p.s. I was officially a senior at 4:02pm yesterday WOOT!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I can see the light... the end of the tunnel.

My last official school day is TOMORROW! Tomorrow is also the day I have my English final.
Oh and yesterday was the Honors Convocation and I won the math and science department awards!
Also it is OFFICIAL! I am going to work in Dr. Koob's lab (at Scripps) with Dr. Zorrilla and receive federal stimulus money this summer. I am so excited.

Well Junior year is coming to a close...I will have a reflective blog tomorrow after my final.

Green Day
Another turning point;
a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist;
directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test
and don't ask why.
It's not a question
but a lesson learned in time.
It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Padres Game vs. Poetry Project...

So I just got invited to sit in the BOX at Petco Park for the Padres game tonight BUT I have a poetry project for english due tomorrow.
For most it would be a no brainer - obviously the Padres game
BUT for me it's a little difficult - I don't want to slack off at the end of the year
I'll come back on here when I make a decision (preferably before noon today)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Trend?

So I have a APUSH final today and a Calc BC final tomorrow but I'm finally back from my horrific AP nightmare week and ready to blog again.
It looks like the new trend in blogging these days is to upload pictures of food - mm interesting?
Well let's give this new trend a whirl aye?


mutated strawberry

chocolate biscuit



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

AP Week...Yumm-O!

My first Ap comes up this Wednesday. Totally psyched for Calc BC! Slightly worried that I won't get a 5 but everyone feels those insecurities.

But I must confess my AP schedule truly is the epitome of HELL!
Wed - Calc BC
Thurs - Japanese
Fri - US Hist
Mon - Bio
Tues - Chem

I can't believe they are one after another - most of my friends have like at least a day break between each one.

I know this entry is boring (think of it as filler).