Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Trend?

So I have a APUSH final today and a Calc BC final tomorrow but I'm finally back from my horrific AP nightmare week and ready to blog again.
It looks like the new trend in blogging these days is to upload pictures of food - mm interesting?
Well let's give this new trend a whirl aye?


mutated strawberry

chocolate biscuit




  1. Personally, I wasn't so worried about AP week. I figure if you're taking an AP class, you need to enjoy working on the subject, and so not acquiring college credit isn't so big a deal. Helped me deal with them, in any case. Good luck on your finals, or your calculus one anyway, you're already done with the rather simple US final. You should have uploaded a picture of a Cheerio last to cleverly finish the blog post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, I got to this blog from one of your comments on the MIT admissions blog.

    I am applying for '14 as well. Since I am in Bangladesh,I don't know anyone applying to MIT, so I was wondering if we could keep in touch and keep track of what's going on.
