Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 calculators + 5.5 math/science courses

My class list for the 2009-2010 year goes like this:
Linear Algebra
Calculus with Analytical Geometry (aka Multivariable Calculus @ UCSD)*
Psychology (half science half humanities)
oh and of course I have English, which is always a blast too :)

My courseload reminds me of that warm fuzzy feeling a 'piping roast beef and yorkshire pudding Sunday lunch drizzled with pure beef gravy' gives you on a cold winter's afternoon...YUM! That sounds really good, but not right now since it's hitting the 90sF here in San Diego.

Well as a tribute to my course selection galore I will leave you all with an AWESOME quote from the movie "Stand and Deliver."

"I don't need no math. I got a solar calculator with my dozen donuts. "

- Pancho
* This is for the Fall quarter, in the winter quarter I'll take Intro to Differential Equations and then in the Spring quarter I'll take Vector Calculus :)

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